Learn Together
Describing and comparing everyday objects helps children pay more attention to details and builds vocabulary and language skills.
- Clear container (Plastic or glass jar, large tupperware, or zip lock plastic bag)
- Small toys or figurines
- Other small household items

Make Together
- Fill a clear container with a number of household items such as cotton balls, toys, spoons, socks, balls, buttons, sugar cubes, or anything that can fit! Which items fit? Which ones do not? Why are there some items that just will not go in?
- Who spies something…blue? How about pink? Take turns challenging each other to find different items in your container. For example:
- I spy with my little eye something I can draw on.
- I spy with my little eye four animals.
- I spy with my little eye something bigger than everything else.
- After each turn, make sure to shake up your container to rearrange the items. You can also try adding more items each round.
- For an added challenge, try to remove one item without touching any of the other items in the container!
- Turn the game up another notch by trying to memorize what is in the container then taking away a few items. Challenge each other to guess what is missing! Games like this practice your working memory, a very important executive function.