Learn Together

Keeping a journal is a great way to express emotions, develop literacy skills, and save memories!


  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Markers, crayons, or colored pencils
  • Binding tools: staples, tape, hole puncher, and string (optional)

Make Together

Enjoy Days of the Week by our friend Shalomisrael Diggs from Alphakey Club. What happens to Leo and Alphee during their week? What was the weather like on Monday? What colors were the trees Leo and Ola climbed on Wednesday? How many flowers did Leo pick on Friday?

Starting tomorrow, document each day this week by writing or drawing in the journal you make. Think about what the weather is like, what activities you do, or who you see! Can you draw the colors you see? Can you write the names of the people you talked to? Can you draw the weather?

How to make the journal:

  1. Place 2 pieces of paper on top of each other and fold them in half.
  2. You can bind your book with staples, tape, or punch holes along the fold and weave string through them.
  3. On the front page, write “Days of the Week” and your name. Feel free to color it however you like!
  4. On the first inside page, write “Sunday.”
  5. On the second inside page, write “Monday.”
  6. On the third inside page, write “Tuesday.”
  7. On the fourth inside page, write “Wednesday.”
  8. On the fifth inside page, write “Thursday.”
  9. On the sixth inside page, write “Friday.”
  10. On the back page, write “Saturday.”
  11. Document by drawing, writing, and coloring in the pages starting tomorrow!

Follow Alphakey on Instagram @joinalphakeyclub.