Learn Together

Being bold means gaining confidence, standing up for what you believe in, and expressing yourself!


Imagine Together

What words start with the letter B? How about the word “bold!” Watch AlphaKey Club’s video to learn what it means to be bold.

In the video, you will use this worksheet. If you don’t have a printer, just trace both your hands on a blank sheet, and use the worksheet for reference.

  • Can you think of a time when you were bold?
  • Can you think of someone you think is bold, brave, or confident? A friend, teacher, grownup — anyone! It could even be you!

Using the worksheet — or drawing of your own hands on paper — color in each hand with a color or design that you think is bold.

Extended activity:

  • Create a people paper chain using these directions.
  • On one side of the paper chain, decorate your people. If you want, you can decorate them so they look like people you know that are bold!
  • Turn the paper chain over and write reasons why these people are bold, or ways you can be bold! Consider these questions:
    • How can we be bold if we are scared?
    • How can we be bold if we feel we are not good enough?
    • How can we be bold when we see someone hurt or sad?
    • How can we be bold to show the world how we feel?
    • How can we be bold in our communities?

Be sure to follow @joinalphakeyclub on Instagram!