Learn Together

In this activity, children will think creatively about how to use materials they have at home in new ways, as well as develop fine motor skills while cutting, twisting, and tying.


  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Ruler or straightedge 
  • String, twine, ribbon, or yarn
  • Glue, hot glue, or tape
  • Pencil, pen, or marker 
  • Pipe cleaners, paper clips, or twist ties


  • Googly eyes or eye stickers
  • Stickers
  • Felt
  • Small craft pom poms
  • Beads
  • Construction paper

Make Together

Join us on CMOM’s YouTube Channel to learn how to make backpack buddies! Follow along with the video or the directions below as you make your own tool for making pom-poms. Use this new tool to make a pom-pom creature to join you on all your adventures!  

Making a pom-pom: 

  1. Use a pencil, pen, or marker to draw a rectangle at least 2”x4” on a piece of cardboard. Cut it out.
  2. Then, turn your rectangle into a “C” shape by cutting out a thin rectangle starting on the short side and stopping in the middle. It should look like the shape below.

Pom-Pom Backpack Buddy:

  1. Make sure you have at least several feet of string, twine, ribbon, or yarn. Hold one end of the string with your thumb against the pom-pom maker, just under the open slit. 
  2. Begin to wrap the string around the pom-pom maker until the slit is covered. The more string that is wrapped around the pom pom maker, the thicker and fluffier the pom-pom will be. 
  3. Once you can’t see the slit anymore, stop wrapping and cut the other end of your string. 
  4. To hold your wrapped string in place, cut a piece of string about 3-4 inches in length. Place the string in the slot of the pom-pom maker and wrap it around the center of your wrapped string. Tie a tight knot. 
  5. Gently remove the string from the pom-pom maker. 
  6. Use scissors to carefully cut through the loops on both ends of the pom-pom. If desired, trim the edges of the string to make a smaller, fluffier pom-pom.
  7. Add a bag clip to your buddy by inserting a pipe cleaner, paper clip, or twist ties through the center of your new buddy. Twist or bend it to create a hook. 
  8. Use glue, hot glue, or tape to decorate your buddy wth pipe cleaners, stickers, beads, or anything else you have at home! 

Find out how to create different kinds of backpack buddies by watching our tutorial!