Learn Together
It is never too early to help children express themselves and their feelings through artwork! Colorful and sensory-stimulating materials can help children unleash their inner artist and express their emotions through art.
- ½ cup cornstarch
- ½ cup baking soda
- 1 cup water
- Bowl
- Ice tray and freezer
- Small spoon or straw
- Food coloring (optional)
- Vinegar (optional)

Make Together
Sidewalk chalk is a classic summer art activity. Now more than ever, children should have the opportunity to share their ideas and show support for their community through their art.
Chalk ice:
- Mix the cornstarch, baking soda, and water together in a bowl.
- If you have food coloring, you can add a few drops into each section of the ice tray. Can you predict what color will be made when you mix two colors together?
- Gently pour the cornstarch, baking soda, and water mixture into the ice tray and mix each section around with a spoon or straw.
- Freeze the liquid-filled ice tray for about 3 hours in the freezer.
- Once frozen solid, take your chalk ice out to the sidewalk and get your message out on the ground!
- For a bonus activity, drizzle some vinegar on each ice cube to watch a fizzy chemical reaction!
What could you make with your ice chalk? You tell us!
- A message of protest or support?
- A mural of your family and friends?
- A rainbow?
- A hopscotch or 4 square design?