Learn Together
Children learn science concepts when they see that water can change from a liquid to a solid when frozen, and back again. Children also discover what happens when primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) mix! In this Magical Monday activity we use our sense of sight and our sense of touch. Learn more about your five senses as you join the CMOM Educators in this sensory sing-a-long!
- Ice cube tray
- Water
- Red, blue, and yellow food coloring
- Paper (preferably thick like cardstock or watercolor paper) OR a paper towel
- Popsicle sticks (optional)
- Color wheel worksheet (optional)

Make Together
- Fill an ice cube tray with water.
- Add 1-3 drops of red food coloring to a cube. Mix this with a popsicle stick.
- Now, add 1-3 drops of blue food coloring to a different cube and mix this with a popsicle stick.
- Then, add 1-3 drops of yellow food coloring to a different cube and mix. Repeat this until all cubes are colored either red, blue, or yellow.
- If you have popsicle sticks, cut them in half. Put the cut side in a cube so the rounded side sticks out. Repeat this for all cubes.
- Place the tray in the freezer. What do you think will happen? What does water turn into when it gets really cold?
- Once your cubes are frozen, you are ready to color mix!
- Use our color wheel worksheet to mix your ice cubes on. Blank paper or a paper towel will work fine too. You can always color in the color wheel
worksheet after with crayons or markers to remember how your ice cube colors mixed! - Pull out a red ice cube and rub it on your paper. What’s happening to the ice cube? It’s turning back to water! Now pull out a blue cube and rub it over the red. What color do you see when red and blue are mixed?
- Pull out a blue ice cube and rub it on your paper. Now choose a yellow cube and rub it over the blue. What color do you see when blue and
yellow are mixed? - Pull out a yellow ice cube and rub it on your paper. Now choose a red cube and rub it over the red. What color do you see when red and yellow mix?
- With a new piece of paper, what happens when you mix all 3 colors?
- Can you use these ice cubes to make a watercolor masterpiece? Try it!