Learn Together

Physical play helps children build confidence and social skills, while strengthening dexterity and coordination. 


  • Paper, cardboard, or the front side of a cereal box
  • Sharpie or marker
  • Wooden chopsticks
  • One dime

Make Together

Being physical while staying indoors can be frustrating and challenging. Finding fun ways to bring the outside indoors is a great way to stay creative, healthy, and active!

Join us on CMOM’s YouTube Channel to watch how to make and play indoor soccer!

Draw a soccer field! (If you are using a cereal box, cut out the front of the box). Use this image for reference.

  1. Draw a large rectangle. The rectangle shape should cover the whole paper/cardboard sheet.
  2. Place the paper horizontally and draw a line through the middle.
  3. Draw a rectangle for the penalty box on both sides of your field, then draw a small rectangle in the penalty box for the goal box.
  4. Draw a circle on the halfway line.

Let’s play soccer!

  1. Use the dime as a soccer ball and the set of chopsticks as players.
  2. Use sharpies or markers to decorate your chopsticks with your team’s colors.
  3. Choose who will go first.
  4. Apply pressure with the ends of the chopsticks to the sides of the dime. This will make the dime move around the field.
  5. Take turns, keeping score each time a player gets the dime into the other team’s goal.