Learn Together

Physical activity improves lung capacity, muscle and heart strength, and lowers stress levels while having fun!


  • Computer, tablet, or phone to watch the video
  • Space to do some jumping

Move Together

How many different ways can you jump? Can you jump high? Can you jump low? 

  1. What’s the difference between a stomp, a jump, a hop, and a leap? See if you can discover the difference and try to create each of these jump -like movements as you move along with CMOM to “The Jumping Song”
  2. Now that we tried out different ways to move our own bodies, let’s try some slower movements to cool down and find inspiration from the animal kingdom as you follow along with our friends from Yo Re Mi. 

Get inspired by even more animal antics with CMOM at Home and our Jump Like A Chipmunk With Laurie Berkner activity.

Find even more creative ways to use those jumping feet with bubble wrap

Yo Re Mi combines music, yoga, and mindfulness education into an effective, inclusive, and imaginative experience that promotes a child’s physical, social, emotional, and mental health. 

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