Learn Together

Art can be used to express ideas and ultimately promote positive changes in the world. By giving children a voice through choice, opinion, feelings, and emotions, they learn that they are important and valued.


  • Stapler, tape, or glue
  • Construction paper, colored paper, or newspaper
  • Markers, crayons, pastels, or color pencils

Make Together

You can use creativity to make the world a better place. Follow along to make your own megaphone decorated with ideas of what you want to speak up about. It’s great for a parade, rally, or even a protest!

  1. Choose what paper you’d like to use. It’s important to consider what colors you want to draw onto your paper and what kind of message you want to express with your megaphone!
  2. Use scissors to cut out the template shape (see video instructions for reference).
  3. Choose which side of the paper is the outside and decorate it before assembly. What designs might personalize your megaphone? How can you use words or drawings to bring attention to your cause? What are you passionate about as a young artist?
  4. Now roll your paper into the desired cone structure, overlap the edges, and use a stapler, tape, or glue to secure it in this shape.
  5. You can now customize it with scrap paper! Do you want to add a handle? Mouthpiece? How might you make this design unique?
  6. Finally, use your creation to gather your friends and family together and give a speech about what you want to change in the world!

Learn more together with resources from the National Museum of African American History & Culture.