Learn Together

Yoga poses stretch your muscles and increase your range of motion. With regular practice, it will improve your flexibility, and keep your mind and body healthy!


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Move Together

Mindfulness means noticing what is happening right now, how your body feels, and moves, what you see, smell, and taste. Practice mindfulness with this storytime and exercise.

Mindfulness Storytime
Meet the author Rashnmi Bismark and her daughters as she reads her book, Finding Om. Join Anu, an American girl of Indian and African descent who explores the mantra Om with her grandfather Appuppa, as she uncovers the benefits of

Mindfulness Exercise: Create a Breathing Square

  1. In your mind imagine a square with equal sides. One side is to visualize “breathe in”, the next is to “hold”, the next is to “breathe out” and the last side is to “hold”. Draw your own square or use our breathing square.
  2. Find a quiet space. Sit upright and relaxed, with your hands resting on your knees. Remove all distractions.
  3. With your eyes follow along the square and move clockwise starting at the side where you “breathe in”.
  4. Breathe in for a count of four and hold the breath for a count of four. Then breathe out for a count of four. Wait for a count of four before
    breathing again.
  5. Repeat the whole process 4 times.

What are other ways you like to relax your mind?