Learn Together
Following instructions helps your child practice creative thinking, math, and problem solving. Share memories together while making this card. Everyday conversations lead to reading later on!
- 8.5” x 11” paper
- Pencil
- Coloring tools (crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc.)

Make Together
Create your Mother’s Day card by printing out and filling in our template, or use the step by step instructions to design your own! Check out how to set up your own card here.
- Fold your paper in half lengthwise like a long rectangle. Then fold your rectangle into thirds. Fold the right side of your paper past the center of your rectangle. Do the same with the left side, folding it over the right side. You should now have a square.
- Draw the number 1 small on the bottom corner of the first page. Open up your card so two pages appear. Draw a small 2 in the bottom corner of the page on the left. Draw a small 3 in the bottom corner of the page on the right. Open up the card again so three pages appear. On the middle page, draw a small 4 in the bottom corner. On the right page, draw a small 5 in the bottom corner. Open up the book one more time so you have six boxes.
- Draw an “I” in the top left box.
- Draw a in the top middle box.
- Draw a “U” in the top right box.
- Draw an “M” in the bottom left box.
- Draw an “O” in the bottom middle box.
- Draw an “M” in the bottom right box.
- Color and personalize this page for your mom or loved one!
- Close up your card back to a square and fill out pages 1-5 using these suggestions for special messages. Make sure your designs are in the same direction as your number (see diagram).
A – Draw a picture of you and your mom.
B – Write or draw 3 things you love about your mom.
C – Draw a heart and color it in to show how warm your mom’s hugs are! If you can, write above it “I love how warm your hugs are!”
D – Write or draw 2 of your favorite memories with your mom.
E – Write or draw 3 things you hope your mom’s day is filled with! Color this page to personalize it for your mom! - Fold your book up again to give to your mom so they can uncover all your secret Mother’s Day messages.