Learn Together

Dramatic play is a great way for children to explore their own thoughts and feelings. It allows them to take risks and even practice problem-solving.


  • Computer, tablet, or phone to watch the video
  • Clear cup or jug 
  • Water
  • Small objects such as ice, pebbles, or toys

Imagine Together

Enjoy the puppet performance of The Thirsty Crow by Sockz Theatre

Why couldn’t the crow reach the water in the jug? What did she do to solve the problem? 

Watch the performance once and then when you watch it again, act it out! Practice flying around your house like a crow in search of water. Spread your arms out and flap them in your own unique way. 

Now let’s explore a fun physics experiment just like the crow!

  1. Fill a clear cup or clear jug with a little bit of water about halfway.
  2. Gather some small objects that will fit into your cup or jug such as pebbles, ice, or small toys.
  3. Drop your objects in one at a time and watch the water level rise.

This is called displacement or Archimedes Principle. Archimedes was a mathematician and inventor from ancient Greece who noticed that the more he sank into his bathtub, the higher the water would rise. Just like the crow used the pebbles she found, filling your cup or jug with your objects will make the water rise.

  1. Make predictions about how many objects it might take to bring the water to the top. Practice counting as you add each item.
  2. Once the water is to the top, take a sip and caw just like the crow! 

Have a caw-mpetition!

  1. Play a game with a family member. Each of you can get a clear cup or jug and small objects. See who can get their water to the top of their cup or jug the fastest.