Learn Together

Reading books with diverse characters and storylines help children see realities and experiences different from their own. Celebrating diversity in your child’s literature will help them recognize that there is beauty in all our differences.


  • Computer, tablet, or phone to watch the video
  • A comfortable place to sit together

Imagine Together

Join Executive Director of NYC Mayor’s Office Young Men’s Initiative, Jordan Stockdale reading his favorite story, In My Family by author Rebecca Honig-Briggs.

The incarceration of a loved one can be overwhelming for both children and caregivers. Because of the feeling of stigma, it takes special effort to start important conversations and answer kids’ questions. But parents can comfort children and guide them through difficult moments just by talking. With love and support, the family can cope with the challenges of incarceration together.

Read the story together, stopping to answer questions or make observations. Afterward, invite kids to draw a picture, just like Jada did. Find more tools for children and caregivers coping with the incarceration of a loved one here.

CMOM is proud of our partnership with the NYC Department of Correction that supports incarcerated mothers and their children. Visit our website, view this featured program on CNN, or read about the program in the NY Times to learn more.