Learn Together

Did you know that scent memories are stored in our brains? Identifying smells develops language and communication skills, and reminds us of our favorite dishes or places!


  • Spices
  • Liquid glue
  • Bowls
  • Paintbrush
  • Paper
  • Bandana or scarf blindfold (optional)

Make Together

Let’s do some SCENTsory smelling!

  1. Choose a few spices from your cabinet.
  2. Cover your eyes or use a bandana or scarf blindfold so only your nose can detect the spices.
  3. Have your family member hand you a spice container, and smell it to identify what spice it is. Is it sweet or savory? What food would you put this spice on? Does it have a strong or mild smell? What do these spices remind you of?
  4. Take turns by having each family member try guessing!

Now, let’s make a SCENTsory painting!

  1. Grab a bowl and squeeze some liquid glue inside.
  2. Sprinkle a spice in the glue.
  3. Dip your paintbrush in the glue and use it to paint on paper! What does it smell like?
  4. Grab another bowl and do the same with a different spice. Does the smell change when you add more spices?
  5. Create a spice painting masterpiece!