Learn Together

Observing, replicating and creating dance helps children understand dance as a legacy of expression in every culture.

Learn more about Kanu Dance Theater and dances of Haiti: https://youtu.be/Pn-0O6XUi0gW

Watch other dances by Kanu Dance Theater: https://youtu.be/BXMPC8TW-SM


  • Smartphone
  • Tablet or laptop
  • Access to videos of animals from the internet or pictures from children’s books

Dance Together

  1. Watch the full video Dance Tutorial “Let’s Dance! – KaNu Dance Theater: Yanvalou Dance” here or on CMOM’s YouTube channel.
  2. Watch it again. This time follow Kanu dancer, choreographer, and artistic director Jessica St. Vil to learn the parts of the dance.
  3. Learn this dance together as a family, then have each family member try the dance on their own.
  4. This traditional dance from Haiti is called Yanvalou and is inspired by the movement of a snake. Look up videos of animals or find pictures of animals in your children’s books. How do they move? Copy the animal movements with your body.
  5. Create your own dance movements inspired by the animals you explored.
  6. Have everyone in the family pick an animal to create their own animal dance move.
  7. Teach each other your unique animal dance moves.
  8. Put all your movements together to create a new family animal dance.
  9. Try adding the dance you learned from Kanu’s video together with your new animal dance. Try it fast, try it slow and try with different kinds of music!